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My Kaftrio Expirience | Cystic Fibrosis life


Since Symkevi came out I had waited for the day kaftrio became available because it was two years later for us in the uk and America were already showing incredible results. The excitement was real and the day I was told I’d be having it, I remember where I got the call and how excited I was. I’d just finished paddle boarding in Port Mellon, Cornwall. My nurse Laura called and it was the perfect end to an already good day.

I still won’t forget that feeling despite my issues with Kaftrio, it’s just not a one size fits all drug and that okay, it happens, the same way some react to antibiotics, the same as people having adverse reactions to jabs, we can’t all tolerate it but that’s why we keep developing and bringing out revised medications or adding labels to boxes to let people know these things can happen.

I’m happy for those it’s worked for and I hope it will continue to do so. But I also hope vertex address the issues and are focusing on kaftrio 2.0!

posted by arrancurefw