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Musicians Who Were Almost Murdered


When you’re a famous musician, you occasionally have to deal with fans whose intentions aren’t good. Sure, you hopefully have bodyguards or security who will get the worst of them out of your way, but no one is perfect.

Some stars, like John Lennon, have sadly been murdered by fans, while others have only come close. In addition, some musicians had hits put out on them, had the police shoot at their plane, or were even pushed off stage. From the horrifying events surrounding Mick Jagger’s neardeath experience to the shooting of 50 Cent, let’s take a look at some famous musicians who were almost murdered.

#Musicians #Music #MusicArtists

Justin Bieber | 0:00
50 Cent | 1:16
Bono and Jimmy Buffett | 2:13
Mick Jagger | 3:21
George Harrison | 4:31
Elvis Presley | 5:38
Bob Marley | 6:39
Victoria Beckham | 7:50
Frank Zappa | 8:47
Bjork | 9:38

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posted by bertopeng0f