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Mr Gurdjieff recorded christmas 1948

Michael Garland

Gurdjieff: Bravo!
Donald Whitcomb: Very interesting thing, all on small wires, records. [adjusts microphone] One spool can last one hour and you can play many times, never wear out, always same as original. See, wire very small wire, magnetic, it, eh... makes magnetism on wire like magnet, electric current creates magnetic wire.
Gurdjieff: Lequel se trouve ideal! (It seems to be ideal.) Can be more exact. Exact like la meme chose que (the same thing as) feel if you have when I play. I know, because I know vibrations, Law of Vibrations. I need the same thing, exact [...] you and I, you should cry, understand? Because I sometimes I feel this vibration [...] exact same thing with how I when I play, exact [...]
Man: But your own voice doesn't sound the way you think it does...
DW: [...]
Woman: No but it is true, that his voice [...]
Gurdjieff: Voice not...
DW: Well, of course not, we didn't have a microphone near to it ... much better if microphone is near to his voice.
Gurdjieff: No, try... try.
DW: [...]
Gurdjieff: Everybody svoloch! [a very strong Russian curse word] [laughter] [...]
DW: If you say somebody stink or something, I think you could be recognised...
Gurdjieff: Stink, stench, everybody stench!
DW: Your voice very low tonight, sometimes much different, all right...
[wire recorder is switched off]
[the recording has apparently been played back to Gurdjieff]
DW: ...finish huh, not bad, huh?
Woman: [coughs] ...very good [...]
Gurdjieff: Svoloch sound terrific! [more laughter and coughing from Gurdjieff]
Woman [laughing]: Everybody svoloch!
Gudjieff: [laughs and coughs]
DW: [...]
Gurdjieff: No, shut off...
DW: Allright...
Gurdjieff: And you, ust buy one such at once, necessary send to everybody.
DW: Hmhm...
Gurdjieff: With a big speaker...
DW: Yes, it's much clearer with a big amplifier, a big speaker, you get more exact tone.
Mme. de Salzmann: You could send it for Bennett? When Bennett will be here after five days he is going away, if you sish to send with hi.
Gurdjieff: Not go France?
Mme. de Salzmann: Well, to England and from England all the time every day people are going to Paris.
Gurdjieff: Then you see one better and three more you order, and then how possible send.
DW: [...]
Woman: For my business I use the tape...
DW: She has one...
Woman: ...for the music the fidelity is better, you get the low and high frequencies...
Gurdjieff: All kinds, all kinds...
Woman: Yes...
DW: You could maybe bring a tape one here and try it, see which is best...
Gurdjieff: Ah Petey, you really kind.
Woman: I know people, I can get it wholesale...
Gurdjieff: Oy!
Woman: [...]
DW: Yeah, well, I get them wholesale too...
Gurdjieff: Shut! One must be at once I send...
DW: Aha...
Gurdjieff: After three of course, all together for...
DW: All right...
Gurdjieff: ...For Paris, and with all reserves.
DW: Well, you bring a tape one and I bring a wire and we can see which is best.
Woman: All right, fine, we'll see what happens.
DW: [...]
Gurdjieff: Now work, what it is?
DW: Now it is recording everything we have said here... I think maybe you could one piece of music for benefit of owner, she!... [laughter]
Gurdjieff: Stop, stop, enough.

posted by geskimmelp3