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Mountain Lion Screams! Two Cougars Calling Out To Each Other And Striking Up A Courtship

Parliament Of Owls

Two cougars looking for love in all the right places in the Angeles National Forest and then striking up a courtship in the canyon.

This is the story of two lions looking for each other in the night, and both of them are heard and seen caterwauling in the forest, as they get closer to finding each other. I recently shared a video of these two big cats on a date, in the daytime, passing by my creek cameras. Well this is the night before, where you see them in a canyon, several miles away, calling out to each other, eventually meeting up minutes later, and then passing by my camera, together as a “puma power couple.”

This is so special to see and so reassuring that the lion population is thriving and will continue. As it should.

posted by eslassint79