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Most Active Dogs: These are the 10 most energetic and hyper breeds of lovable dog


Most Active Dogs: These are the 10 most energetic and hyper breeds of lovable dog

1. Cairn Terrier
There are no shortage of terriers on this list and for good reason. Dog breeds like the Cairn Terrier are fiercely intelligent and easily bored. While thas will seldom lead to aggression,

2. Border Collie
the Border Collie is not a dog that will ever be happy relaxing at home. Constant mental and physical stimulation is required to keep this breed happy.

3. Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is a very popular dog breed that loves to run around, jump up and vocally express their feelings (often repeatedly).

4. Beagle
For most of their history, the Beagle has mainly been kept as a hunting dog. Their excitable and alert nature, habit of barking at any stimulus and love of running in packs can cause issues in a sedate family home.

5. Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is a dog that can be relatively calm if they get plenty of exercise. If they don't get enough physical stimulation though they are prone to destructive behaviour, or even running away.

6. Jack Russell Terrier
The last of the terriers on our list, the tiny Jack Russell is a contender for the most energy per pound of pup.

7. Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer needs lots of play to keep them happy and will join in with everybody's games at the park

8. Fox Terrier
As their name suggests, the Fox Terrier was bred to flush out foxes during hunts. They may now most commonly be kept as pets but they retain the excitable and active nature that made them so good in their former job.

9. West Highland Terrier
West Highland Terriers are at their most excitable when they are young and, while some grow out of it, many don't. All Westies need plenty of walks and games to keep them healthy and happy.

10. Hungarian Vizsla
The Hungarian Vizsla is another hunting dog that can find life in a modern home a bit boring, which can lead to them becoming problematically excitable. They relish a challenge so plenty of outdoor time and energetic games are essential.

posted by prebei3