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Modern jazz in LYDIAN MODE with a simple HAND GRIP


Lydian improvisation with graphics on top of the piano showing the hand grip positions in use. In the center of the screen you'll also see the Lydian progression in use:

||: E Lydian | D Lydian | C Lydian | B Lydian | A Lydian | G Lydian | F Lydian :||

On the bass we have the passionate and spirited Fabricio Pereira (the Earth Man). On the drums we have the impulsive and dynamic Erik Frandsen (RedE). And finally, on the piano; your funny teacher Oliver Prehn (the Alien).

In this NewJazz lesson the piano techniques in use are explained:    • How to improvise LYDIAN  Simple & Th...  

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Many warm regards from Oliver Prehn

posted by enseguime5