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Memorial Day is always somber in Israel but this year it has taken on a profound and raw sadness

AP Archive

(12 May 2024)

Jerusalem 8 May 2024
1. Various of military cemetery soldiers honouring and saluting near graves with Israeli flags on them

Tel Aviv 8 May 2024
2. Ruby and Hagit Chen, parents of Itay Chen, killed on October 7th and taken to Gaza, arriving
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, father of Itay Chen:
"So we are coming up to the Israeli Memorial Day and it's a very unique circumstance for us, where on one hand, we are part of the hostage families, but on the other hand, we also part of the deceased families as well. And unfortunately for us, we do not have the remains of Itay, so we actually do not have a burial site to go to. "
4. Tilt up from picture of Itay on his mother's tshirt to Ruby
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, father of Itay Chen:
"We told the Israeli government, as well as the US administration, we will wait until Itay is returned to do the Shiva, as well as having the ability to mourn for him."
6. Close of photos and videos of Itay on his father's phone
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, father of Itay Chen:
"I like to use this opportunity to reach out to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that for him as well, this is a special day, and I like him to remind himself of the day that his brother was killed and his mum and dad were able to bury him in a cemetery here in Israel. And for him to remember the fact that they were able to have closure. And he, on Memorial Day, has a place to go to, to be with his brother and we demand from him the same type of dignity that Itay deserves as falling in the line of duty for the State of Israel, protecting civilians."

Jerusalem 8 May 2024
8. Soldiers standing
9. Various of Israeli and military flags on graves

Tel Aviv 8 May 2024
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Hagit Chen, mother of Itay Chen:
"Itay my son is also a German citizen. And I know that the US and Germany are doing everything they can to help us. But basically, in the end it's our government, the Israeli government, that need to take the decision, to make the decision to bring everyone home. All the hostages, all the alive and all the deceased must come home, all the 132 hostages. We cannot continue our lives, we are stuck. We cannot do anything until Itay comes home."

Jerusalem 8 May 2024
11. Soldiers standing in front of graves
12. Various of Israeli flags on graves
Ruby Chen’s son Itay was killed in Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7. But unlike scores of other families of soldiers killed that day, Chen doesn’t have a grave to visit because his son’s remains are held captive in Gaza.

The absence of a final resting place is being felt acutely now, as Israel marks its memorial day for fallen soldiers, when cemeteries are brimming with relatives mourning over the graves of their loved ones.

"Unfortunately for us, we do not have the remains of Itay, so we actually do not have a burial site to go to,” Chen said.

Memorial day is always a somber occasion in Israel. But Chen’s torment underscores how this year it has taken on a profound and raw sadness coupled with percolating anger.

Families of the fallen along with broad segments of the public are demanding accountability from political and military leaders over the failures that led to the deaths of hundreds in the deadliest attack in the country’s history.

With the trauma of Oct. 7 looming large, each day is expected to feel dramatically different from previous years.

AP Video shot by Moshe Edri and Ami Bentov

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