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Mark Blyth and Wendy Schiller ─ Election 2016: Impact At Home and Abroad

Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Its often said outside of the U.S. that the American presidential election is the most important election for everyone outside of the US. This year is different. The Republican Party was unable to get a mainstream Republican through its primary process, with the result that Donald Trump is now the GOP candidate. The Democratic Party has in turn nominated a candidate with some of the highest negatives ever. Trump promises trade protection and migrant exclusion. Clinton promises college expansion and economic inclusion. But are these the policies America, and the world, needs? And what impact, at home and abroad, will the election of either of these candidates have both locally and globally. Professors Wendy Schiller and Mark Blyth discuss these issues in this forum.

Cosponsored by the International Relations, Political Science, and Public Policy Departmental Undergraduate Groups.

posted by atidirboam