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Make a flower wall|Look for delicious ingredients on the rural road 製作一面花牆|在田園小路上,尋找美味食材

李未之 liweizhi

On a sunny spring day, build a rose flower wall in your yard and wait for the flowers to bloom.
When rose flowers climb all over the wall, it is a landscape of life. These gorgeous flowers use green and flowers to inject a living beauty into the wall, which is a feeling that cannot be replaced by any decoration.
I will continue to add a variety of flowers and plants to the yard. In this small area, they bring endless happiness and enlightenment to my life in their own unique way.
Pastoral life is a picture carved by nature, a poem of tranquility over time. Here, the greenery is abundant, the sun shines, and everything grows vigorously, creating a vibrant picture. You can watch the golden rapeseed flowers swaying in the breeze, and flocks of birds soaring freely under the blue sky. This is a portrayal of pastoral life, one part simple and one part natural.
Walking on the path in the fields in search of delicious ingredients, the breeze blows on your face, feeling the yellow sea of rapeseed flowers in the fields formed by the sun, and smelling the smell of green grass. It brings strong vitality and vitality to the entire spring day.
當月季花爬滿牆時那是一道生命的風景。 這些絢爛的花兒用綠色和花朵為牆面注入了一種富有生命的美麗那是任何裝飾物都取代不了的感覺。
田園生活那是一幅被自然雕琢的畫卷是歲月靜好的詩篇。 在這裡綠意盎然陽光灑落萬物蓬勃生長勾勒出一幅生機盎然的畫卷看著金黃的油菜花在微風中搖曳成群的鳥兒在藍天下自由翱翔。 這是田園生活的寫照一份純樸、一份自然。
走在田野間尋找美味食材的小路上清風拂面感受著田間油菜花在陽光下形成的黃色海洋聞著青草的味道。 為整個春日帶來了濃烈的生機與活力。
#rurallife #鄉村生活 #chinesefood #美食 #做饭 #growflowers #flowers #flowerwall

posted by kepamgc