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In the latest Star Wars 2020 #28 comic, LUKE SKYWALKER MEETS HERA SYNDULLA FOR THE FIRST TIME IN CANON, and the Rebels Discover the death Star II for the first time... Mon Mothma is shocked, and there are no Bothans to be found. Many bothans died to get this information...

STAR WARS HAS FINALLY REVEALED exactly how the Rebel Alliance discovered that the Second Death Star Existed…

We all know the infamous way that the Rebel Alliance was able to find out the location and weapons system of Palpatine’s second death star, through the infamous Bothan spies… But with the new issue 28 of Star wWars 2020, we know know the way they found out the Station existed in the first place is much much darker. The discovery involves both the Crimson Dawn and Luke Skywalker going undercover as an Imperial officer. And coolest of all, Luke Skywalker gets to meet Hera Syndulla for the first time in canon!

So today we’re going to break DOWN Exactly how all of this went down and what it means for the future of the Star Wars Canon!

So considering I haven’t covered every single one of the previous issues in this series, im going to assume you need a recap. And strap in because this storyline gets absolutely crazy…

So literally in the middle of the events of the Empire Strikes Back, Qi’ra, who you will probably remember from Solo as Darth Maul’s apprentice and Han’s Lover…

Literally STOLE Han’s Carbonite frozen body from Boba Fett on Nar Shadda.

Qi’ra then had the bright idea of auctioning off her former Lover’s body to the other crime syndicates across the galaxy, which as you can imagine caused complete and utter chaos…

So much chaos that Palpatine himself took notice, and sent in Darth Vader to keep the crime world under control…

Qi’ra then proceeds to literally fight Vader (and put up a genuine strong fight)…

Her true plan with all of this was to strike back at Darth Sidious and the Empire for making it impossible for scrum rats like herself to make it in the galaxy… and on top of that, her own master DARTH MAUL was wronged by sidious, giving her all the more reason to hate him… Going into the series we all knew that she was doomed to fail in this goal, because Qi’ra is nowhere to be seen on the screen after Solo, and Sidious is obviously in the OT…

posted by Palimmacyfk