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Soooo hello everyone!! How fast has time gone! We cannot believe it! Lola is one already! Time has gone so fast from when she come to her home! She was just a baby. She is still a baby but always will be our baby. We took her to the dog shop in the previous video to let her buy anything she touched for her birthday. We brought it all home and wrapped it up for her. She was so happy and excited!!! Makes me so happy to see her go from a scared puppy scared of everything to being the life love and soul of our home now. The bond she has with my children makes me so happy. Especially kade! We will put together a video of day one of Lola coming home all the cutest and unseen clips with kade and Parker growing to love each other!!! Hope this makes you all smile and please hit like to say happy birthday to Lola! Love you all!

posted by instinctual07do