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Lee Strobel: PROVING God's Existence | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Kirk Cameron on TBN

Kirk Cameron is joined by author Lee Strobel to answer the question, is God real? If God is real, why is there suffering in the world and why does God seem to keep himself hidden from us? Strobel digs deep into these questions in this riveting interview on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!

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Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, wellinformed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today, this week, and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

#kirkcameron #isgodreal #godsvoice #leestrobel #christianity

0:00 00:26 Intro
00:27 01:16 Strobel Discusses What Sparked His New Book "Is God Real?"
01:17 02:02 The Two Biggest Reasons People Struggle With Belief In God
02:03 4:41 If We Could See God, Would We Be More Likely To Believe In Him?
04:42 5:18 God Is Evident To Those Who Want To Find Him
5:19 9:26 Free Will Allows For Both True Love And The Existence Of Suffering
9:27 13:41 Evidence And Arguments For The Existence Of God
13:42 16:09 Encounters With God

posted by vjeg2ygf