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Laghonia Etcétera 1971 Peru Psychedelic Rock Progressive Rock

john,mr,koytro koutromanos

Laghonia Etcétera 1971 (Peru, Psychedelic Rock, Progressive Rock)

Laghonia is one of the most important representatives of Peruvian psychedelic rock. The band was formed in Lima in 1965, initially under the name The New Juggler Sound, and with the release of their first album they changed their name to Laghonia. They recorded only two albums, first "Glue" in 1969, clearly influenced by British rock of the 1960s, and then the album "Etcetera" that ended the group's activity in 1971, which already featured delicate experiments in combining psychedelia with progressive rock.

Few countries in South America had such a fertile Psychedelia/Progressive scenario as Perú with great quality bands like the legendary Traffic Sound ("Mescalina"), Telegraph Avenue or El Polen, but all this groups had something in common, they all gathered to watch Laghonia in concert, not only to listen the only band in Perú and probably the first in South America that used a Hammond B2 back in the 60's, plus the obvious interest on the polyrhythmic songs they used to play.

They started the search of a new guitar player and one day Eddy Zaraus was walking on a park in a small city at the north and listens a kid who had moved from USA to Lima at the age of 16 named David Levene who was on a backpack hitchhiking trip through Perú.

The North American kid was sitting on a bench while playing his guitar, so an impressed Eddy asks this guy if he plays in a band and invites him for an audition, the rest of the band is delighted with his playing that combines Blues and Psychedelia creating a very pleasant atmosphere, so they recruit him.

In 1969 they record a song named "Glue" (in reference to a drug that Saul had read about) and for the B side "Billy Morsa" (Billy Walrus). But there was something missing, if the band wanted to keep on with the changes, they needed a keyboardist and they find Carlos Salom, who was playing Brazilian Jazz.

Due to this influence they release their first hitsingle "Bahia" (The guys were looking at a Brazilian calendar and all liked the girl that represented the city of Bahia), During their tours, they traveled in an old 55 Oldsmobile except Carlos Salom who traveled in a moving truck sitting on the Hammond B2 because he was terrified anybody could make a single scratch on it.

Their two LP's "Glue" and "Etcetera" are recorded almost on the run because on those days in Lima the studios were not the most advanced plus very expensive. It's important to notice that a great part of their material is based on personal experiences, for example, Lima is a city where never rains but one Monday night there was a heavy and absolutely unusual rain, so Samuel and Saul wrote Everybody on Monday, another day they were talking about life after death and immediately got the idea for Someday, which IMO is a masterpiece.

While recording their last album Etcetera, Eddy and Alex left the band in order to make a spiritual journey. So Manuel, Saul, Carlos and David finished the album, but soon after the band broke, but not without leaving behind a great musical legacy that proved they were probably the Peruvian band of the 60's that was closer (if not part) of Progressive Rock genre.

Cornejo brothers and Carlos Salom later formed We All Together, more oriented towards the lighter side of the Beatles (Paul McCartney and The Wings) music, but that's another story.

Just found that Laghonia has recently released new album with rare versions and previously unreleased material named "Unglue", which I believe it's worth buying. (Iván Melgar Morey)

01. Someday (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo, Carlos Salom, David Levene) 0:00

02. Mary Ann (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 3:22

03. I'm A Nigger (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo, Carlos Salom) 8:41

04. Everybody On Monday (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 12:28

05. Lonely People (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 17:19

06. Speed ​​Fever (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 22:16

07. Oh! Tell Me Julie (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 28:17

08. It's Marvelous (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 31:04


09. World Full Of Nuts (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 34:16

10. We All (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo) 38:07

11. No Solution (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo, David Levene) 41:16

12. Bengal Tiger (Saúl Cornejo, Manuel Cornejo, Whitley, David Levene) 44:44


Saúl Cornejo lead & backing vocals, piano, guitar
Manuel Cornejo drums, latin percussion, bass (03,05,06,11,12), artwork
David Levene lead guitar, backing vocals, lead vocals (01,07)
Carlos Salom Hammond organ
Ernesto Samamé bass
Eddy Zarauz bass (02,09,10)

posted by lkia2k1z