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Kotor 1 and 2 Ambience Music

TIE Defender

All rights go to Jeremy Soule and Mark Griskey
(Thanks to MrMasterofDesaster)
00:00 01:26 Ahto City [KOTOR 1]
01:27 02:32 Ebon Hawk Adrift [KOTOR 2]
02:33 03:51 Taris Upper City [KOTOR 1]
03:52 04:49 Aboard the Ebon Hawk [KOTOR 2]
04:50 06:13 Apartments [KOTOR 1]
06:14 07:21 Peragus Fuel Depot [KOTOR 2]
07:22 08:36 The Jedi Academy [KOTOR 1]
08:37 09:48 Telosian Underground Base [KOTOR 2]
09:49 11:02 Dantooine Outback [KOTOR 1]
11:03 14:03 Dxun Jungle Landing [KOTOR 2]
14:04 15:24 Ancient Ruins [KOTOR 1]
15:25 16:35 The Temple Of Freedon Nadd [KOTOR 2]
16:36 18:03 Tatooine [KOTOR 1]
18:04 19:28 Inside the Sith Base [KOTOR 1]
19:29 20:59 Korriban Sith Academy [KOTOR 1]
21:00 21:41 The Sith Academy [KOTOR 2]
21:42 23:07 Hrakert Station [KOTOR 1]
23:08 24:08 The Royal Palace [KOTOR 2]
24:09 25:30 The Shadowlands [KOTOR 1]
25:31 26:31 Facing Darth Sion [KOTOR 2]
26:32 27:50 The Unknown World [KOTOR 1]
27:51 28:55 The Core [KOTOR 2]
28:56 30:16 Aboard the Starforge [KOTOR 1]
30:17 31:37 The Droid Planet [KOTOR 2]
31:38 33:06 Bastila Shan [KOTOR 1]
33:07 33:23 Rebuilt Jedi Enclave [KOTOR 2]

Just over half an hour of noncombat music from both kotor games. Good for homework and stuff. Didn't see anyone else upload anything like this, so I just decided to do so myself.

posted by r1ju2n1yr