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Know your probiotics|Precision Probiotics|Gut microbiome|Oral microbiome


Probiotics are touted as conferring health benefits which is true but unfortunately most of the probiotics products & blends sold in market lack scientific vigour & precision.

Selection of Probiotics is backed by existing scientific research but data collection stops there. Most of the probiotic companies do not deep dive with testing on huge biological data sets to check the efficacy & effectiveness for specific health benefits. There are multiple factors at play which need to be considered when it comes to selection of probiotics for different health conditions

1.The probiotics are sensitive to various factors such as water, pH, temperature, moisture & more & detailed research with mammoth biological data sets to evaluate its optimisation is the key.

2.Probiotics are all about strains. Each species of bacteria has thousands of strains, each one having a different impact on different individuals’ biology. However, most of the companies do not mention strain on their product labels. This is a huge loophole, allowing these companies to make broad claims without including costly & time consuming research on strains which are said to confer health benefits. For instance a specific strain of E coli could cause diarrhoea however another strain NISSLE 1917 is said to have beneficial impact on digestive issues

3.Scientific research & testing for combination of various strains/blends & respectively proportion of each strain is super important to evaluate the efficacy of blend.

4.Including billions of CFU to justify high prices, irrespective of effective dosage is just a way of marketing. Rather the focus has to be on active fluorescent units which is more precise way of cell enumeration
Detailed research on effectiveness of delivery technology to survive digestion is the key to ensure that strains would extend intended health benefits.

5.Finally, you need to decode your unique biology including functions performed by gut microbiome & pathways activated by them to map which specific strains & specific quantity which could modulate specific pathways. Besides, you also need to empowered to have right precision nutrition program that could keep microbial community in balance

Adopt the right choices for renting space to new entrants in your gut to optimise your biology. We can help you with that. We at Genefitletics analyse & measure downstream functions of your gut & oral microbiome to not only quantify biological pathways but also construct data driven the most precise nutrition program including recommendations for specific strains of probiotics to rebalance your biology. More details here :

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posted by millinervn