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Jim Butterfield's 1986 Computer Diary - Commodore Reference Diary

8-Bit Show And Tell

We take a look at Jim Butterfield's Diary not his personal diary, but his Commodore Reference Diary which was published in the UK so Commodore fans could have a combination day planner and Commodore reference book with them at all times. This particular book was signed by Jim and contains a large collection of POKEs and other notes by the previous owner who through a MUPET sidequest (a disk drive multiplexing system for Commodore PETs that I got from Jim many years ago) and some handwriting analysis we determine spoiler was not Jim Butterfield.

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0:00 Diary?
2:15 MUPET: in search of Jim Butterfield's signature
4:17 A letter from Jim: yes, Jim signed it
6:26 Back to the diary
8:01 The Commodore Range of Computers & Peripherals
10:48 Important Keys, BASIC, Disk Commands
13:45 Simple Techniques and Handy Locations
19:23 Memory Architectures & Maps
24:30 Useful Programs, Sound, Machine Language, Glossary, Normal People Stuff
27:28 POKE collection by Jim?
30:49 POKEs demonstrated
36:39 The rest
38:15 Conclusion and thanks!

posted by karubberduckygw