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JDK (Java) Mission Control Tutorial | Java Profiling Tutorial | Mission Control Demo | JMC and JFR

Ajay Wadhara

Since Java 11, JDK Mission Control is the open source tool for profiling, monitoring and analysis of Java Workloads. This is an interactive tool which gives you complete details about the JVM events.

If you are using Java 10 or below, JMC is available in JAVA_HOME/bin directory but of you are using Java 11 or above, you can download JMC from

Mission Control helps you to do Flight Recording also. You can start Flight Recording, dump Flight Recordings and analyze .jfr files. Overall this is an excellent tool that every java developer should use. Heap Dump analysis, Thread Dump is also supported in JMC.

#JavaTutorials #JavaProfiling #JMC #MissionControl #MemoryProfiling #JavaPerformance #JavaOptimization

posted by Liguti6n