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It's honey harvesting time and look how much the bees gave us!

Jeff Horchoff Bees

Now that all of our tallow trees have lost their blooms, and the strong nectar flow is over with, it's time to once again start bringing in our honey boxes. It is the cumulation of all the work we have been doing since February with our splits, growing bees, and then placing our honey supers on the hive. Of course, it is a lot easier said than done, it requires a lot of very hard work. Fortunately, Good Time Charlie and myself did not have to shoulder the entire burden this time. Rather, we had lots of quality help, and guys with strong backs.

This year, not only did we have to contend with heavy supers, we had daily rain showers that made conditions all the more difficult to work with. Still, at the end of the 4 days it took for us to complete bringing in our honey supers, we managed to load 62 deep supers in the honey house.

I know the video is a very long one, but remember, it was a 4 day process, and I truly appreciate you all taking the time to watch this one. Thanks for watching. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed

posted by Annechienvt