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iPhone Xs Max Vs OnePlus 8 PUBG Test [FPS Heat u0026 Battery Test]

Review and Play

There are 5 important tests based on which we can thoroughly judge a phone's gaming performance. These tests are available ingame graphics settings, FPS stability, heat management, screen recording and battery life.

Gamers, this video is not just simple PUBG test of two phones. It is the most detailed and honest gaming comparison I ever made. The video explains how the iPhone Xs Max and OnePlus 8 perform in PUBG and it explains it with great details and proofs.

I first, showed the graphics settings available in PUBG Mobile in each phone. Second, I tested the FPS performance in both phones live with FPS meter, Third, right after the end of our gameplay, I monitored both devices heat and lastly, I calculated the battery life.

In the end of the video, I compared all the data we collected from these tests and compared it to find out which phone performed good, and which is the winner of today's video.

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posted by bogenuo