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In a Rainbow Connection🌈 Timing is Everything! Moon in PISCES 🐟+ Pluto Goes Retrograde in AQUARIUS🏺

Learn Love Tarot

Please + thank you in advance when you LIKESUBSCRIBE +SHARE ‍♀ this video if the message resonates with you; THANK YOU for connecting into the energy of the readings in such a beautiful way!

*** EXTENDED READING LINK:    • EXTENDED for Rainbow Connection, Tim...  

This is a general reading of the collective energies, as interpreted by my channeled messages, current studies of astrology, numerology, + misc. divination tools. The FREE reading posted here is intended to be useful to anyone watching, regardless of the time they’re watched, as energy is cyclical; TRUST your intuition if you were guided to this message, regardless of Signs listed.

5/2/2024 = 5+2+8 = 15. The Devil (#CAPRICORN Power Card) = 6. The Lovers (#GEMINI Power Card) Babies Born Today: Life Path #6, The Path of “Freedom” (Astrology Answers, 2024)

**** Although this reading was recorded on this date, the MESSAGE is TIMELESS, as energy is cyclical. For example, any date that adds up to “15,” reduces to a “6.” (Please refer to Tuesday April 30, 2024 the last “6” day! Future “6” days in May of ‘24 are the 11th, 20th and 29th check back for synchronicities on these dates if today’s reading resonated for you!

Today’s #Astrology:
1:47 p.m. (EST) Pluto Goes Retrograde @2* #AQUARIUS Reassessing Your Secret Power
2:51 p.m. (EST) Moon Enters #PISCES TRUST your Intuition + Go With the Flow

Channeled Songs / Inspiration for this reading:
“Rainbow Connection” by Kermit THE Frog / Jim Henson (Written by Paul Williams ** Renewal of an original promise / blessing.
Featured Angel Number: 528

Hi + welcome to my channel, “Learn Love Tarot.” I am a certified Tarotreader for @SoulfulRevolution and am on M.J.'s talented team of wonderful readers!

TO BOOK A PERSONAL READING WITH ME, copy/paste the link: into your browser!

email [email protected] for details
Though our roads to confidence & selfworth through hearthealing is unique to each of us, we all “relearn” some things about ourselves by realizing our triggers (misaligned reactions to stimuli) are simply the mirrors into our psyches, that are shown to us through our relationship experiences with others. Some of these reflections are really hard to accept, let alone understand how in the world our adversities are here to “help” us elevate within the hierarchy of our own consciousness. Going through the phases of our soul’s evolution isn’t always a picnic in the park, but just because we all have needles on our metaphorical cactuses, it doesn’t mean we have to keep sitting on them!

I hope my readings & the life experiences I share with you guide you toward your own SELFLOVE, so that this HEALING attracts and brings you the LOVE & EMPOWERMENT you deserve in ALL AREAS of your life!
After all, YOU are the STAR of your own Hero’s Journey! I can promise that employing compassion, humility, and humor WILL lead us to take action toward the growth into our best and highest goods! So, let’s take a lesson from “The Fool,” grab our knapsacks, and TAKE THAT LEAP with FAITH to get through this thing called, “Life.”

The FREE readings posted here are intended to be useful to anyone watching, regardless of the time they’re watched, as energy is cyclical; TRUST your intuition if the title brought you to this message, regardless of Signs listed.

That being said, please don’t try to “make” a message fit, as it would only confuse or frustrate you. Simply take what parts speak to you and leave the rest for another time, or trust those pieces are for someone else. Tarot should never dictate your decisions only YOU can (and should) do that!

* I THANK YOU, for connecting your positive energy to my channel and supporting me & my work by liking + sharing my videos, and subscribing to my channel; I VALUE your support! If any of the messages or information helps just ONE person, then I am thrilled and truly grateful for the positive exchange of energy.

* I am so thankful for the mentorships and feel blessed for the opportunity to share all I have learned, and pray that it helps create a Tribe of people who support each other through our collective healing. You are NOT ALONE, I AM HERE FOR YOU! Know that I’m taking steps every single day toward my own spiritual growth; I’m right there along with you, in healing my own heart by “Learning Love,” and empowering myself through compassionate selfevaluation.

* I am so very grateful for my gifts of intuition, channeling and energyreading that are continuously growing! I thank the friends and family that have encouraged and supported me in sharing my (previously private!) gifts on a larger scale. My GOAL in EVERY reading, is to be a clear and concise channel of the guided messages I receive.

posted by Boowwretlezowxc