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Impossible 0.000001% Odds! #2

Viral Monkey

You could come in clutch when it matters most…Do the improbable to impress your
friends…Succeed despite your own incompetence…Perform an amazing new stunt…Or simply
outshine in the most creative ways. In any case, we challenge you not to be dazzled by what
you’re about to see. It’s about to get real, for real. Let’s get started.

Trick shots are one thing, but if you can throw in a bit of attitude, you’ll be top dog for sure.
When trying to show off for the ladies, don’t be surprised if she one ups you just to show that
you’re not as cool as you think you are.
The hula hoop is not just for the hula anymore with these guys taking it to the next level.
The word to keep in mind here is “nimble” as these girls show off their foot skills in this
demonstration of martial arts proficiency.
I guarantee you that these guys will always remember the time they pulled off one of the most
baller moves ever in a High School basketball game.
This next clip is a testament not only to the agility of these big machines, but to the expert skill
of the operator as well.
Talk about cutting it close. This is an amazing stunt, but what happens if he’s even a few inches
off target?
This handwriting technique is something that needs to be seen to believe. Go ahead…try this at
home. No way will you be able to pull it off. This girl must have been born sideways.
It’s not like floorball players get too many opportunities to show off. So we should appreciate it
when they finally get the chance.
What’s the quickest way to get a pack of insulation from point A to point B? A straight line of
course. That is, as long as the boss isn’t watching.
After a long basketball practice, it’s time to unwind with some wacky goofballery with the only
goal of having fun and building team spirit.
Hello ladies…I’m a guy that likes to go skiing without poles while doing soccer ball tricks all
while up on the snowy mountain in short sleeves, so you know I’m a great decision maker…Call
I’d like to introduce you to the 10,000 calorie ice cream bomb guaranteed to not only add to your
paunch, but also send you into sugar shock.
Say hello to the Paul Bunyon of the East who will let no stump stand in the way of his
compulsion to chop his way through to ultimate awesomeness.
This is completely unreal. Check out the height this gymnast gets on this attempt to reach the
stratosphere. That’s gotta be almost 15 feet of air unassisted. It’s almost inhuman to be that
The most impressive thing about this girl’s kicking skills is that she’s showing Grandma that
women today can kick a lot of ass.
When you’ve been a professional waiter as long as this guy has, showing off with serving skills
like this is nothing
If you ever need a large amount of weight to be ratcheted up using only your arms while
dangling freely, call this guy. He’ll have you sorted in no time.
This guy found that juggling simple balls was too easy, so he decided to take things up a notch
by attaching ropes to up the difficulty level to crazy.
If you’re ever in a pool hall and a young Chinese girl in an oversized hoodie challenge you to a
cash game, remember this clip before you say yes.
I’m not sure what the rules are on the golf course when the water traps are frozen, but I think
this one qualifies as a mulligan.

Hey, friend. Thanks for sharing your time with us today. I declare that a good time was had by
all. If any video ever deserved a like, this one sure does. And be sure to subscribe because you
have no idea what we have in store for you. Don’t miss it. See you next time.

#likeaboss #respect #puvideo

posted by atmosphere67vo