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If You Buy The Wrong Breadboard You'll Regret It


It took me a fair amount of struggling to understand what was going on, but finally discovered that I had defective products.

The wrong solderless breadboards can be difficult, or impossible to work with I show you why.

Buying from China is tempting because of their low prices but products can be cheap knockoffs that will cause you breadboarding headaches and other problems with bread boards. So not only do you have to wait many weeks for delivery from China, chances are good that you'll wind up with breadboard problems.

I have purchased a lot of electronic stuff from China and have been very happy, but not with these.

I got lucky with a couple vendors from China, and got good breadboards. But at least half of the ones I bought were the cheap knockoffs that I had to just throw in the trash.

The ones have all been great that I've purchased from U.S. vendors. I don't know the brands of some of them, but I do have a couple Elenco breadboards and love them. They're high quality and one has terminal posts to connect a power supply. Check out Elenco breadboards and their other products on Amazon

And search Amazon for Inland which is another big brand that I have purchased breadboards and other electronic accessories from.

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posted by fuencuttoscot7m