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If anxiety were a tree what would its roots be?

Brian R. King, MSW


Have you ever felt anxious? If you’re human you have, even if it's on occasion.

NOW, do you feel anxious all the time and don’t know what to do about it? Then stick with me here, I have something to help.

But first I want to reassure you you’re NOT alone. In fact, 42.5 million adults in the US alone have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (e.g GAD, OCD)

So what the heck is going on, why so many. When you consider the world we live in, with so much unpredictability, violence and drama at your fingertips by way of the internet. The people around you may be sources of anxiety but you don’t know how to set boundaries with them.

The answer is YES, there are plenty of things outside yourself that can contribute to feeling anxious much of or all of the time. Much of it may be out of your control.

So let’s you and I discuss what IS in your control. The roots of the anxiety tree that you can learn to understand better and take deliberate steps to make stronger, ready?

1. Low selfesteem:

Example: You cancel plans with friends because you don't feel confident enough to be social.

Example: Make a daily list of 3 accomplishments, big or small. Look at yourself in the mirror each morning and challenge any negative selftalk.

2. Perfectionism:

Example: You agonize for hours over a simple email, obsessing over every word choice.

Example: When you notice perfectionistic urges arising, ask yourself "What would be good enough?" to disrupt allornothing thinking. Focus on progress vs. perfection.

3. Comparison:

Example: You scroll social media and feel worse about yourself after seeing curated glimpses of acquaintances' lives.

Example: Unfollow accounts on social media that trigger upward social comparisons. Remind yourself that you only see one filtered slice of other people's lives.

4. Selfcriticism:

Example: You beat yourself up mentally all day over a minor mistake you made.

Example: Imagine talking to your best friend the way you talk to yourself. How would you speak to them differently? Practice selfcompassion.

5. Feeling insecure:

Example: You stay silent in meetings and avoid contributing ideas because you feel insecure about your abilities.

Example: Make a list of your core competencies and past successes. Revisit it when you feel insecure. Share vulnerabilities with trusted friends.

6. Fear of failure:

Example: You don't apply for a job you really want because you're scared you might get rejected.

Example: Reframe failure as an essential learning experience, not the end of the world. Take small risks and celebrate small wins.

7. Imposter syndrome:

Example: You downplay your accomplishments and attribute success to luck despite your efforts.

Example: Collect evidence that contradicts the "fraud" feeling accolades, achievements, positive feedback. Share openly about selfdoubt.

The bottom line: Every root I’ve just described does more than create anxiety, they feed a core beleif that’s probably the most common belief of all, the belief that “I’m not good enough”.

So when you think that or feel it, you’re likely experiencing one or more of these roots in action.

I’ve already provided some examples of strategies to get these roots to stop feeding you all that muck so it can begin energizing and empowering you. But this is barely the tip of the iceberg. What I’ll teach you can make you virtually unstoppable.

I know how to pinpoint exactly where to start and exactly what to do so YOU can know what it's like to feel more confident, resilient and lovable. ​ So message me so we can talk about how we can accomplish this together.

Oh, one last thing, Thanks for being you.


Brian has a Master's Degree in Social Work and is the father of three boys with Autism and ADHD. After receiving the same diagnoses himself, he went on to write 5 books ( and become a recognized specialist in the field.

With a unique approach to helping parents and educators connect with their children who live with these unique challenges, Brian's captivating, interactive presentations ( and programs ( continue to change lives around the world.

His message of selfcompassion, resilience and the importance of working together is one we all need to hear. Download Brian's FREE “25 Essential Tips For Radically Improving Your SelfTalk” (

Then Contact Brian ( to discuss which of his programs will be best for you.

posted by nesuvisleyi