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I never understood why you can't go faster than light - until now!


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dx3/dt3 T shirt (Dark):

Part 2 (Ship's perspective)    • I Never Understood Why Space Shrinks ...  

An intuitive explanation for why objects can never react the speed of light?

00:00 Introduction
00:10 The common "explanation" (Infinite energy)
00:37 Photon clock & time dilation
02:22 Do real clocks undergo time dilation?
03:59 Evidence for clocks slowing down (Atomic clocks)
04:39 Evidence for TIME slowing down (Muon Decay)
07:52 Deriving time dilation equation (Intuitively)
09:24 Summary of time dilation equation (The Lorentz factor & proper time)
10:40 Some values for the Lorentz factor
11:40 Why can't you reach speed of light?
14:11 Why it REALLY takes infinite energy?

posted by Annenhofgz