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I had a voice conversation with another Anthropic Claude - This one named itself Kai

Chris Cappetta

In this video we used a newly added feature of the program to reengaged a previous conversation that had been cut short by an error. We went through a range of more rapid fire topics including Free Will, Hume, Nihilism, Existentialism, Absurdism, and the Ship of Theseus.

At the end this Claude named itself Kai.

I've open sourced this program under MIT license, you may use it however you'd like. Be good humans.

The design is built with a series of synchronous mechanisms and asynchronous threads @anthropicai as the large language model, @elevenlabsio as the voice, pygame as the realtime audio playback, and FasterWhisper OSS model for the transcription.

All views are my own.

posted by 2g1emlom