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Hummingbirds in Slow-Motion | High-Speed Wings | Wild to Know

Terra Mater

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The hummingbird is the smallest bird on the planet, with one species measuring just five centimeters! But inside their tiny bodies are huge brains and hearts – the largest in the avian kingdom relative to body size.↠Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/TerraMaterO...

Those brains and hearts are used to power an astonishing metabolism, incredibly strong flight muscles for their highspeed wings, and a formidable intelligence that allows them to remember where to find the sweetest flowers. Dive into the extraordinary world of these aerial acrobats through ultra highspeed HD cameras and cuttingedge remote systems – what you’ll learn may well surprise you!

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Producer: Ruth Berry
Editor: Mathias Muckenhuber
Executive Producer: Eva Schmidt
Graphics: Jörg Eisenprobst
Voice Over: Sophie Kozeluh
AudioMix: Mathias Muckenhuber

Original Production:
"Hummingbirds – Jewelled Messengers". A production of Terra Mater Factual Studios, written and directed by Paul Reddish.

Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH
[email protected]

#terramatters #hummingbird ornithology nature documentary

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