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How Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life with Vimala Rodgers

Invisible Architecture

Vilama Rogers joins me to discuss how your handwriting can change your life. She explains that the way you form each letter impacts the way you think, your personality as well as your self image. Over the years, she has discovered the inherent spirituality of each letter, whether it is masculine or feminine, its color frequency and much more!

Vimala Rodgers is a lifelong researcher in the brain/hand relationship and author of the bestselling book, “Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life” (currently in its 19th printing.) Trained at Stanford University as a Peak Performance Coach, in 1991 Vimala founded the International Institute of Handwriting Studies (IIHS) in Palo Alto, California, and began working with individuals as well as groups—especially teachers—who were wanting to bring to life their hidden gifts and talents and guide others in doing the same.

in January 2006, Vimala established the "Handwriters for Peace" program with outreach in 70+ countries where people are writing the Vimala Alphabet every day with the intention of forwarding the cause of world peace.

Her website is

M. Carol Assa
Invisible Architecture

posted by rushiyamif7