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How To Tie Your Figure Skates u0026 Avoid Foot Pain

Next Edge Tutorials

Want to know the secrets to making your next training session a breeze? Then check out this FREE GUIDE ►► https://www.nextedgetutorials.com/10s... A quick guide on 'The 10 Figure Skating Hacks You Need To Know". Click the link above to check it out now!

Have you ever come to the ice rink with the perfect training plan, an amazing attitude and your body feeling the best it ever has!

Only to be frustrated with tying your boots again and again while having constant foot pain? Well you are certainly not alone. Every skater has dealt with this issue at one time or another. And while it can be INCREDIBLY annoying, fixing those issues isn't as hard as you think.

In this lesson we’re off the ice and discussing the best way to tie your boots up and HELP you avoid/relieve common foot pain. So if you're ready to say goodbye to those frustrating boot issues every time you go to the rink, this is the lesson for you!

In this lesson you'll learn:

How to tie up your boots properly
What can cause pain in our feet when skating
How to get relief and fix those foot pain issues

Happy Skating!

Mitch & Stace

posted by liutanes