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How to Tell if your Cat is Pregnant?

Planet of The Cats

How to tell if your cat is pregnant #shorts

If you are starting to suspect that your cat might be pregnant, there are a few telltale signs to look out for. Take morning sickness, for instance it's not just for humans. Pregnant cats tend to vomit regularly too. The same goes for weight gain and a swollen belly keep an eye out for these.

Typically, your cat will go through a heat cycle every ten to fourteen days. If she is pregnant, this will stop altogether. A significant increase in appetite can also be an indicator, as can longer sleep periods.

Some of these behavior changes are more obvious than others. Still, if your cat shows any combination of the symptoms specified here, it's best to get her checked out by a veterinary specialist. A vet will be able to perform either an xray or ultrasound scan, and these are the most effective ways of finding out for sure.

posted by embamsfofp1