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How to Stop Nausea u0026 Vomiting in Pregnancy|Morning Sickness-Dr.Soumya Choudri Valluri|Doctors'Circle

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Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. This is one of the most common symptom most of the patients come up in pregnancy . So it is not constant for every. Few people will have the vomiting only in the morning time, few complain in the night time few complain throughout the day as well and few have the vomitings only in the first trimesters that is before 13 weeks of gestation and few will have throughout the pregnancy as well. So why is this vomiting? It's usually caused due to the hormones produced in the pregnancy. The mainly a hormone called beta HCG which actually causes vomiting. Few people even develop nausea that is aversion towards few smells as well. What exactly we have to do to reduce these symptoms? So it depends like when you're having the vomiting so you have to follow the trick just to avoid it. So if you're having a morning sickness early morning vomiting as soon as you get up from the bed, you have to have something. Avoid brushing your teeth as soon as you get up and as soon as you feel hungry. Have something have repeated small meals so that your stomach is not empty and that will not initiate vomiting. So if you have nausea what you have to do try avoiding the closed rooms and try avoiding going to those places where you have aversion like by cooking food. Try using the essential oils or even the lemons to smell as well ginger tea will also give you a relief. What are the other methods which can be followed to avoid? Few people even say that acupuncture will help in reducing vomiting . So when you have to reach the doctor when you have vomiting you have repeated episodes of vomiting that is like more than five to six times a day and it is associated with signs of dehydration like drying of lips you know wrinkling of your skin like dryness of your skin, tongue or if you feel you're going for urination repeatedly. That's where you have to see your doctor or if your vomiting is associated with blood like if you see any blood in your vomiting you have to reach out doctor or if it is associated with any cramps you have to reach out doctor. What exactly the doctor will do? They will test for dehydration that is they'll see the Ketone bodies in the urine also as well they will test for electrolytes in your blood. They're going to start you on fluids and they'll start you on other medications as well. What are the effective medications now? That is Vitamin B and doxilamine are usually effective. Other than that there are many other drugs they might have a little effect on your pregnancy but the doctor will decide what is beneficial there.


posted by taewheachonxi