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How To Spot Narcissistic Abuse..

Dr. Becky Spelman

Narcissistic abuse is a complex and damaging form of manipulation perpetrated by individuals with narcissistic personality traits.

These individuals often exhibit a grandiose sense of selfimportance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.

Spotting narcissistic abuse early on requires understanding the signs and dynamics of such relationships.

1. Excessive need for admiration: Narcissists crave constant validation and admiration from others. They may expect you to constantly praise them, prioritize their needs above your own, and become defensive or enraged if you don't meet their expectations.

2. Lack of empathy: One of the hallmarks of narcissism is a lack of empathy for others' feelings and experiences. They may disregard your emotions, dismiss your concerns, or manipulate you into believing that your feelings are unimportant or invalid.

3. Manipulation tactics: Narcissists often employ manipulative tactics to control their victims. This can include gaslighting, where they distort reality and make you doubt your own perceptions, as well as guilttripping.

4. Neglect and emotional unavailability: In narcissistic relationships, abuse can also manifest through neglect and emotional unavailability. While overt abuse involves active manipulation and control, neglectful behavior can be equally damaging. Narcissists may prioritize their own needs and desires over yours, leaving you feeling emotionally abandoned and starved for affection and validation.

5. Absence of genuine connection: Narcissistic abuse is not just about the presence of harmful behaviors; it's also about the absence of genuine connection and emotional reciprocity in the relationship. Despite outward appearances of closeness, you may feel a profound sense of loneliness and emptiness due to the lack of authentic emotional engagement from the narcissistic partner.

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