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How to NEVER run out of credits on PTCGLIVE (NO hacks or bugs)


How to: Never run out of credits, crystals, resources, digeridoos, whatever you like to call them this is how I NEVER run out on PTCGLIVE, so i can ALWAYS craft the cards I need for my decks.

When PTCGLIVE was first announced, I was incredibly anxious, as a content creator it's important to me to get the decks and cards that i'd like to share with everybody. BUT i'm pleased to say that PTCGLIVE has actually made it CHEAPER for me to make my decks online than it used to cost me in PTCGO. I used to spend around £100£200 PER SET on getting enough code cards to complete 1 meta deck...yes ONE. NOW I don't spend anything, and all of that money now goes into the prize pool of my online weekly pokemon tcg tournaments, and giveaways on my twitch channel. I'm so thankful, and hopefully you all find this useful and are able to build all of your decks too :D

If there's anything you think i've missed OR have any other questions at all, let me know in the comments :)

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posted by kuandikay6