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How to Make Login Form in PHP and MySQL Database For Beginners - With Source Code

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PHP Login System With Database

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Project Description

in this php tutorial we will see how to Design a login form using html and css and Connect This login Form With MySQL Database.

What We Will Use To Build This Project ? :
Php Programming Language.
VSCode Editor.
MySQL Database.

What We Will Do In This PHP Login System Project:

Create an HTML form for user input with fields for email and password, along with a "login" button. Any error messages will be displayed beneath the form.
Apply basic CSS styles to the login form to enhance its visual appeal.
Establish a database connection using a file named "db_connect.php" to enable user authentication.
Initialize an error message variable, "$error_msg," to display userfriendly error messages.
Check if the login form has been submitted using the "isset($_POST['submit'])" condition. If submitted, the system proceeds to process the login attempt.
Retrieve userprovided email and password from the form input fields.
Prepare and execute a database query using a PDO statement to find a user with the provided email in the "user" table.
Fetch user data as an associative array using "PDO::FETCH_ASSOC."
Verify if the user exists and if the provided password matches the hashed password stored in the database. This verification uses "password_verify" to compare the provided password with the database's hashed password.
Upon successful login, initiate a new session using "session_start()" and set session variables for the user's email and username. This establishes basic user authentication using PHP sessions.
After a successful login, redirect the user to the home page (index.php) using "header('Location: index.php')."
If the email doesn't exist or the password is incorrect, set an error message in the "$error_msg" variable to inform the user of the issue.


▶ 00:00:00 The Final Result Overview
▶ 00:01:35 Create and Design The Login Form
▶ 00:24:00 Set Event To The Login Submit Button
▶ 01:05:15 Add Sessions
▶ 01:14:30 Create the Logout Page System

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