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How I Found an Emergency Medvac Site While Camping with My Daughter

Kenny of All Trades

In this week's video I am taking you with on a road trip through the Superior National Forest. It was a cold, windy, rainy weekend, but we still had an awesome time. There were a few struggles along the way. That seems to be a common theme in the last few videos. I broke the ground plug on my truck camper, but I was able to come up with a backwoods MacGyver fix utilizing aluminum foil and zip ties. I also noticed while editing the video that I lost a headlight, but that's just a maintenance issue. While on a hike I fell trying to climb a rock cliff. My face broke the fall in dead bush. You can see on the video how closely I came to losing an eyeball. The backwoods helicopter evacuation site we found could have come in real handy.
This will be Adelle's 3rd video. It is awesome to see how much of a beautiful young lady she has become over the years. It hard to believe she will be turning 18 in a few days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELLERS!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Thanks for tagging along on this week's video. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. Kenny

posted by pomolimabo