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How Can I Tell If a Web Address Is Safe?

Ask Leo!

⚠ URLs are simple in concept, yet can be constructed in ways that a web address might not be safe. I'll look at some examples and discuss what's important.

⚠ How a web address can be abused
A URL or web address beginning with https1 has several components, the most important being the server or website address between the leading slash marks (//) and the following single slash (/). This is often obscured by making trusted websites appear as subdomains of a hacker’s domain or using confusing encoding. Always examine the leftmost portion of the full domain to confirm that it’s going where you think. Https is available to fraudulent domains as well, so you cannot rely on it alone as an indicator of safety.

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✅ Watch next ▶ Internet Safety: 7 Steps to Staying Safe Online ▶    • Internet Safety: 7 Steps to Staying S...  

0:00 Web address is safe
1:00 Basic URL components
4:11 One way a server specification can fool you
6:00 Another way a server specification can fool you
9:30 A slash is a slash is a … %2F?
11:20 Https and secure websites

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posted by fwmialad