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How Boon Keng turned his life around from his past! | Tuesday Report: Restart 星期二特写:重启 EP5 (Finale)

Entertainment - Mediacorp

At 36, Boon Keng had a troubled past involving drug abuse, theft, fraud and four incarcerations, causing his family to distance themselves, except for his mother. The passing of his mother prompted Boon Keng to turn his life around. Now, committed to hard work, charity, and a new relationship, he strives to rebuild acceptance from both his family and society in this revitalized phase of his life. 36岁的程文庆曾经因为吸毒、偷窃、诈骗等罪行坐牢四次。家人离他而去唯有母亲不离不弃。他屡次重犯看似无药可救却因为母亲的逝世痛定思痛而决定洗心革面。往后他人生大翻转努力工作为慈善削发筹款参与黄丝带义跑还寻获新恋情。重启人生后他是否重获家人与社会的接纳与认同

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