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Homeless kitten crying out loud for Mother cat

Teddy Kitten - Rescue Center

As you know that we go out daily for street feeding. Today, while returning from street feeding, we heard the voice of kittens crying.When we went into the park, we saw that the kittens were calling their mother. It seemed that they were very hungry. We gave them special kittens' formula milk to drink.

After drinking milk, they started following me. You can see in video a kitten climbing over me. They didn't want us to leave them.

We wanted to bring kittens with us and adopt them Because we thought that might be they weren't safe here. For our satisfaction we waited for their mother to come. After some time we saw a cat far away, we thought that she is their mother. When we went close to her, she ran away from us in fear.

The cat wasn't trusting us. We had adult food with us, we put it in the pot and waited for the cat to come near kittens. This happens when we go for street feeding, new cats don't come near to us. As time passes , they become familiar to us.

After some time cat started to come near us slowly. Maybe she wanted us to move away from her kittens. As we walked away, the cat came to her kittens. If the cat allowed us to come close to her, we would adopt the cat and her kittens.

My daily routine......

Help poor cats
Help stray cats
Help Hungry cats

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posted by nginiyisa42