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Hissing Goose


A canada goose is hissing to protect her children.


Wildlife Rescue League
Canada Geese In Your Neighborhood
Aside from its beauty, grace, and intelligence, the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) has much to recommend it to nature lovers.

At the age of two to three years, they select a mate and stay with that mate for life. If something happens to the mate, they have a mourning period, then usually find another mate when mating season occurs. They are so devoted to each other that if one partner in a pair is unable to migrate, the mate returns year after year to join it during mating season.

Although generally sweetnatured, they are good and protective parents. If you are hissed at or attacked by a Canada Goose, most likely a father is upset that you have come too close to the nest.

There are only two ways to differentiate the male and female since their markings are identical. First, the male is larger. Second, the male makes a two syllable “ahonk” call, while the female makes a shorter, higherpitched “hink” call like the barking of a small dog. Sometimes you will hear their alternate calls which sound like the seamless honking of a single bird.

Movements of the neck, wing, and body have distinct meanings around greetings, courting, and defense of territory from other males.

posted by ResulSetl7