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Highlights of Episode Eleven - Evening Feast

Orca channel

Here comes a new highlights video!

In “Episode Eleven – Evening Feast” you will witness the happenings of two days in January 2021.

"The fishing has started again this year in Reisafjord. And it brought the orcas back in the fjord. One day there were only few of them around and the next day there were over a hundred!

We were just wondering where they had been hiding for two weeks?

Winter vacation perhaps…"

We hope you enjoy seeing and learning about orcas and humpback whales by watching our weekly episodes. All footages are original and was recorded by us in the 2020/21 Norwegian whale season. You cannot see them anywhere else.


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Everybody Welcome!

With your subscription you support us to be able to collectIDs photos of both Orcas and Humpback Whaleswhich we share with local researchers like


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