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Healing - Aniyah Smith

DC youthSLAM

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**Thank you for watching this video. Alongside many other tools of healing, Split This Rock believes selfexpression to be one way to navigate depression. It is not the opinion of Split This Rock or the creators of this video that poetry, or art in general, is the only or even necessarily the primary option. We do hope you find inspiration, hope, and sustenance from Aniyah’s poem.**

Aniyah Smith is a member of the 2017 DC Youth Slam Team.

To support more youth voices like Aniyah, please visit

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For information on how to join Split This Rock Youth Programs, please visit

Split This Rock programs integrate poetry into public life and supports poets of all ages who write and perform this essential work. Its programs include readings, workshops, and panel discussions; youth programs that reach every ward in the city; collaborative programs that bring poetry of provocation and witness to new audiences; contests and publication projects; and campaigns to integrate poetry into movements for social change. Our cornerstone program, Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness, is a unique biennial fourday event.

posted by viliasib8