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Hallstatt Lake Königssee Vienna Golden Hall Schönbrunn Palace Salzburg LV|Friendly Kelly

Friendly Kelly 隨和的凱莉

Austrian sights are all in this episode!
Romantik Hotel Im Weißen Rössl stunning lake view
Playing Trumpet on the quiet lake
I lost my phone in Hallstatt
Authentic Mozart Chocolates in Salzburg
Vienna LV Experience
Thanks to my husband for giving me the first boutique bag in my life
After buying, I am afraid of being robbed!!!
Golden Hall in Vienna
sisi princess' story is sad...
Interesting Architecture Hunderwasserhaus
Tax refund is actually easy!!!

If you have any questions, please leave a message below!

This is a personal sharing, not a collaborative video~
#Salzburg #LouisVuitton #Vienna #hallstatt#AustriaAttractions

ep1 The largest cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic:    • 奧捷 ep1特爾奇馬卡龍小鎮超可愛~ 捷克最大教堂聖維特最佳拍照點!!! ...  
ep2 Charles Bridge / super beautiful river cruise:    • 奧捷ep2 捷克查理大橋超美遊河!!! 好吃的煙囪捲!!!菠丹妮退稅攻略~...  
ep3 Český Krumlov Fairy Tale Town:    • 奧捷ep3 捷克庫倫洛夫CK童話小鎮!地窖餐廳吃超大豬腳! 還有古堡夜遊的...  
ep4 Hallstatt/Königsee/Vienna LV:    • 奧捷 ep4 完結篇!!!哈修塔特 國王湖 維也納金色大廳 熊布朗宮 薩爾...  

【Take you to the flower market】
New Taipei Three Gorges Flower Market:    • 帶你逛花市 新北三峽花市 超便宜甲骨文觀音蓮 洞洞蔓綠絨!Frie...  
Taoyuan Daxi Flower Market:    • 帶你逛花市 桃園大溪花市 7盆100! 好便宜!Friendly ...  
Hsinchu Baimuta Flower Market:    • 帶你逛花市 新竹縣百木達花市 花草觀葉和多肉 種類多樣 超好買Fr...  
Hsinchu Holiday Flower Market:    • 帶你逛花市 新竹假日花市 有吃有玩又好逛!Friendly Kell...  
NEW Hsinchu Flower Dance Village:    • 降價100元!帶你逛花市 新竹 花舞村花市 觀葉植物 超新花市 不用人擠人...  
Taichung Star Anise Flower Market    • 帶你逛花市 台中八角花市 便宜又好逛!Friendly Kelly...  

【Planting experience】
How to deal with red spider mites:    • 觀葉植物必經路程! 紅蜘蛛、葉螨都不用藥! 最簡單的處理方法 Friend...  
Repot Monstera deliciosa:
   • 龜背芋/洞洞龜背芋 換盆囉~ 介質分享 健康根系 Friendly Ke...  
Grow root of Alocasia micholitziana:
   • 喚醒冬眠的觀音蓮/合果芋 絨葉蔓綠絨 換盆 自製水苔棒 Friendly...  

【go out for a walk】
Hsinchu/experience with my husband:    • 除了動物園新竹還有玻璃體驗DIY和老公一起玩手做Friendly K...  
Penghu/Delicious Seafood (Part 1):    • 搭船去澎湖四天三夜 爆吃海鮮 澎湖景點小希臘 風櫃洞 (上) Frien...  
Penghu/Blue Cave Island Hopping (Part 2):    • 澎湖四天三夜 南方跳島值得嗎? 神秘藍洞 餵海鷗 七美浮潛 爆吃海鮮  (...  
Hsinchu/Jucheng & Xuji:    • 新竹巨城 竹北旭集吃到飽 南洋美食艷麗 夏沐語按摩 結婚周年vlog F...  
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posted by pachtvrijwl