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Greylag geese - fun facts about the greylag goose

A Shot Of Wildlife

The Greylag goose is the largest native goose in the UK and can be seen all across the country in parks and throughout the countryside. In this Short documentary we learn about their description, diet, behaviour and breeding.

The music is titled "Changing Tides in Space n Time" and was kindly provided by my friend Kro Magnon. He can be found on all music streaming and purchasing platforms and on Instagram: kro_magnon92
The original track can be found at:   / changingtidesinspacentime  

Some of the images and footage used in the making of this video were obtained using creative commons licences. The originals and their relevant licence information can be found below.

   • Anser anser chicks 180502p005  
   • Greylag Geese  
   • Leucistic Greylag Goose at RSPB Fowlm...  


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posted by reorbiree8