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Gravity Is Not a Force! Or Why is Alper Gezeravcı's microphone like that?

Barış Özcan

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Gravity is not a force! In fact, the ISS, in which Alper Gezeravcı, our first astronaut in space, floats around, is not a gravityfree environment! Well, how can it be? We all saw with our own eyes that the astronauts were floating there, the things they dropped did not fall to the ground! It's a zerogravity environment!

No... I'm not kidding. I'm not talking about nonsense and do not call me mad :) Sometimes we can get in the way of such statements from a few people who don't know physics. When you listen a little, it seems quite plausible. In order to avoid falling into such fakescience traps, we need to understand the physics of the matter correctly. So we need to understand why gravity is not a force.

The issue is hidden in Einstein's general relativity. While developing this theory, Einstein targeted some problems in Newtonian mechanics. For example, Newtonian mechanics could not explain Mercury's strange orbital motion. Above all, Newtonian mechanics used it as an explanation for a strange thing called force. It was like everything was happening instantly. For example, if the Sun suddenly disappeared, it’s gravitational force should also disappear suddenly. These disturbed Einstein very much. On top of that, there were problems like the Mercury problem, and he realized something was wrong. The theory of general relativity that he put forward did not only solve problems such as the Mercury problem. We generally remember it for what a comprehensive theory it is, but... The main difference it made was in the interpretation of gravity. Einstein discovered something that would completely change our perspective. But to understand these, we must first think like Einstein.

In this video, you will see what perspective Einstein's theory of general relativity offers on gravity and find answers to the following questions:
What is the equivalence principle and why are the movements of a freefalling parachutist and an astronaut in space equivalent to each other?
In the ISS (International Space Station) example, why are the astronauts not in a zerogravity environment?
How is gravity defined within the framework of the equivalence principle and what are the basic principles of this theory?

Researched and Written by: Ögetay Kayalı
Edited by: Alperen Çatak
Edited and Presented by: Barış Özcan

Full text of the video and sources used:

“Matter knows how to bend spacetime; Spacetime also tells matter how to move."

posted by ldebbola8