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GMC Webinar - Transformational Leadership with Dr. Dan Vicker


Sponsored by the ICC Global Membership Council, expert Dr. Dan Vicker looks into today's rapidly changing world as managers face new challenges that need a response. A shift to transformational leadership will allow managers to focus on empowering teams, pushing decisions down to the lowest possible level, encouraging autonomy, actively listening to employees, valuing their input, and involving them in the decisionmaking process.

In this webinar, Dr. Vicker discusses:

Responding to changes in the talent pool and expectations when hiring
The struggle to retain employees
How a leader can create a healthy culture
How to move your organizational culture from compliance to commitment

Transformational leaders can foster a culture of trust, encourage employees to take ownership of their work and contribute ideas, promote continuous improvement, and challenge the status quo. Join in on this discussion, assess yourself and your organization, and develop your own plan to make this shift.

posted by zman46theonesi