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Git workflow and branching strategies

ERNI Academy

Ever worried or wondered about which branching strategy you should choose for your next or ongoing project? Tired of endless holy wars between developers about which one is the best and which one is a nightmare? Are they all good, or perhaps unnecessary?

In this session, we will learn (or consolidate) the concepts related to git workflows and branching strategies, in order to be able to decide which branching strategy(ies) fit us and our project, and which ones do not.

For this session it is just required to have a little knowledge and experience about the SW development lifecycle. It is a beginnerlevel introduction to the branching patterns, git(+) workflows and branching strategies. There will also be a description of concepts that are useful to choose the best branching strategy, related to deployment, releasing, CI/CD, testing, error tolerance, etc.

posted by hellisinsga