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【Garden】DIY 4 organic liquid fertilisers | Coffee ground tea rice water beer liquid fertilisers

袭小厨和她的菜园子 Delightful Garden

It's not only solid fertiliser if you want to turn food waste to organic fertiliser. There is another way to make plant food is liquid fertiliser using kitchen food waste. These liquid fertiliser are easy to make and use. It is very suitable for watering and fertilisation under the principle of thin fertilizer and frequent application. Suitable for watering flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. Today, I shares how to make organic liquid fertilizer. The raw materials used are coffee grounds, tea grounds (tea residue), rice water, beer, plus a little brown sugar or white sugar or dry yeast powder or EM bacteria. This film not only shares the production methods of various organic liquid fertilizers, but also shares the amount of nutrients contained in various fertilisers and how to use various liquid fertilizers. Finally, I tested the pH value of each prepared liquid fertilizer one by one to see what kind of plants, these fertilizer are suitable for, and whether it will affect the pH of the soil.
The category fragment directory is as follows:
Beginning: 00:00
Making, composition and usage of coffee ground liquid fertilizer, dilution ratio: 0:30
Making, composition and usage of tea residue liquid fertilizer, dilution ratio: 04:18
Making, composition and usage of rice washing water liquid fertilizer, dilution ratio: 06:56
Making, composition and usage of beer liquid fertilizer and foliar fertilizer, dilution ratio: 09:44
PH test of 4 kinds of liquid fertilizers: 12:06

At the time of application, it can be applied basically once every half a month.

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posted by ameliepomfz