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Flying Through The Taroko National Park Taiwan.

Music Life Channel

Taroko National Park

The river is alive, it has cut through mountains to form gorges, made river terraces, water the forest and nurtures a myriad of creatures and humans.

The NingAn Bridge is at west of ChangChun Shrine.The red suspension bridge was built during Cross Island Highway construction period.

The Buluowan Suspension Bridge will connect the surrounding attractions, such as Buluowan, Badagang and Swallow Grotto Trail, to other tourist highlights at Taroko National Park.

The Vshaped canyon of Taroko is quite rare in the world. The most beautiful section is between the Tunnel of Nine Turns and Swallow Grotto.

We can clearly see the river cutting through the mountain range, and the curvature of terrain is the most beautiful fascination with its natural design. The magnificent gorge is made up of layers of marble, schist and gneiss.

The cliff section of Jhui Lu Old Trail, with width of only 30 cm, It is also the only historic preservation site in Taroko National Park.

Both the old and new Liufang Bridges cross the Liwu River. Underneath the bridges, the river turns 90 degrees, carving layers of beautiful rippling lines from the towering marble cliffs.

There are many tunnels on the road up to the gorge, but one section called 「the Tunnel of Nine Turns 」is especially breathtaking, and is a popular spot for tourists.

Tianxiang has four sections of river terraces, this is the lowest, offering views of Xiangde Temple in the distance

Eternal Spring (Changchun) The shrine was originally built to reverence those that died building the cross island highway.

Before it flows into the Pacific Ocean, The Liwu river has formed a narrow gorge mouth here.and this is crossed by Central Cross Island Highway .The also brought the beauty of the Taroko Gorge scenery to the attention of the world.

Flying Through The Taroko National Park :

(1) 00:10、00:18: The video emphasizes the Liwu River's crucial role as the lifegiving force in the park, responsible for carving out magnificent gorges, river terraces, and sustaining diverse flora and fauna.

(2) 01:05: The NingAn Bridge, a red suspension bridge constructed during the Cross Island Highway's construction, serves as a vital link to connect various attractions in the park, including Buluowan, Badagang, and the Swallow Grotto Trail.

(3) 02:13、02:31、02:54: The video showcases the rare and breathtaking Vshaped canyon of Taroko National Park, particularly the section between the Tunnel of Nine Turns and Swallow Grotto, which boasts remarkable natural beauty.

(4) 03:28、04:05、04:59: The natural wonder of Taroko National Park is further highlighted through the fascinating curvature of the terrain and the intricate layers of marble, schist, and gneiss.

(5) 10:14: In addition, the video features the historic Jhui Lu Old Trail, which has a cliff section that is only 30cm wide, making it the sole historic preservation site in Taroko National Park.

(6) 13:22: The video highlights both old and new Liufang Bridges, which cross the Liwu River and offer stunning views of the rippling lines carved by the river from the towering marble cliffs.

(7) 14:20: The Tunnel of Nine Turns, one of many tunnels leading up to the gorge, is particularly breathtaking and a popular destination for tourists.

(8) 17:36: The video showcases the four sections of river terraces in Tianxiang, with the lowest section offering distant views of the Xiangde Temple.

(9) 18:35: Finally, the video highlights the Eternal Spring Shrine (Changchun), built to honor those who sacrificed their lives during the construction of the Central Cross Island Highway.

Overall, the video provides an excellent overview of Taroko National Park's natural beauty and unique features, emphasizing the importance of the Liwu River, suspension bridges, gorges, river terraces, historic trails, and scenic spots.

It also highlights the crucial role of the Central Cross Island Highway in promoting the beauty of the Taroko Gorge scenery worldwide.

posted by jakobians5