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Fixing Minecraft's RPG Progression System


Minecraft, the world's biggest game with over 300 million copies sold, offers limitless creative potential and holds a special place for many due to the fond memories created with friends and the satisfaction of completing builds or farms. However, despite its vast appeal and the countless hours spent ingame, there seems to be a persistent feeling that something is missing. The author suggests that this void could be filled by a comprehensive RPG adventure system, addressing the game's inconsistent difficulty levels during the early and midgame phases and providing more motivation for players to engage beyond the endgame, especially those uninterested in mega builds or largescale farming.

The early game, characterized by exploration and resource gathering, lacks significant challenges, making the rewards feel somewhat unearned due to the ease of obtaining hightier gear and overcoming mobs. To combat this, the author proposes locking gear progression behind dimensional progression and adjusting regional difficulties to make the game more engaging and challenging, encouraging players to explore and strategize more carefully. For the endgame, suggestions include expanding the recent updates that aimed to enrich this phase with more content like trial chambers, adding a repeatable dungeon feature, and cosmetic enhancements to sustain player interest and provide new goals. These changes aim to address the common trope of servers dying after the dragon is defeated by offering continuous progression and challenges, thereby enhancing the overall Minecraft experience.

posted by o3kacp