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*Fight for Friends* : |Turning Mecard |Episode 21


In response to the insistent demand of Juliette, Brandon, and Kevin, Jason and Isobel tell them about the scramble for Mecardimal and Triforce. Instead of taking their words, they ignore the advice and just laugh on. To find out how to tame a Mecardimal, Juliette and the other kids use clever schemes and even obtain a blank card. Then they secretely follow after Ryan and tame Crang. The friends introduce Crang to Jason immediately and challenge a duel. Jason surprisingly accept the challenge. On the other hand, Isobel feels absurd by the situation that Ryan teachs battle rules to the friends. In the battle, Jason shows a totally different aspect that is piercing and very strict. Hence, the friends lose hardbought Crang to Jason. Although the friends get mad with Jason, saying he never told them such rule, it was actully Jason's thoughtful act to protect his friends from the danger of fighting against Black Mirror.

#Turning Mecard #Mecardimals #Mecard

posted by wrongplanetsx