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FastLED Basics Episode 6 - Noise

Scott Marley

In the 6th episode of FastLED basics, we look at the noise functions. These can be somewhat difficult to understand and there isn't really any documentation to speak of. Noise provides a 'smooth randomness' that allows plenty of interestinglooking patterns with only small amounts of code if you know how to use it!

CORRECTION: Around 16:15, I should have said that the last parameter in nblend is the amount of the second array to blend with the first from 0 (0%) 255 (100%). I got mixed up with the fadeToBlackBy function above it.

GitHub link for code: https://github.com/smarley/FastLEDb...
FastLED noise functions: http://fastled.io/docs/3.1/group___no...
A general explanation of noise:    • I.5: Perlin Noise  The Nature of Code  
Processing.org: https://processing.org/

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Three pack of Arduino nano clones: https://amzn.to/3lQH2uk
5m 5V RGB WS2812B LED strip: https://amzn.to/3pLJaWQ

00:00 Intro
00:57 What is noise?
02:07 inoise8(x)
04:41 inoise8(x,y)
10:57 fill_raw_noise8()
13:34 fill_noise16()

posted by monavasyx